I have been a huge Elizabeth Hoyt fan for many years, and I was over the moon when Elizabeth decided to take part in my A Chat With a segment of Chick’s Rogues and Scandals, unfortunately, due to schedules overlapping and various work commitments, this Interview got pushed back from Its an original posting time slot in 2016. So here it is, my exclusive interview with bestselling author Elizabeth Hoyt plus a very special giveaway.

 New York Times, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly bestselling author of historical romance, including reader favorite, The Raven Prince. Elizabeth was born in New Orleans but grew up in St. Paul, Minnesota. Elizabeth has a BA in anthropology from the University of Wisconsin at Madison and, as a result of having no clue what to do with 

her life thereafter, a career history as a barista, a (terrible) sales clerk, a Wisconsin Revenue Service data entry slave, and an archeological field work grunt. Fortunately, Elizabeth married relatively young and produced two children who kept her busy until her mid-thirties. At about this time, when, Elizabeth’s mother hinted that perhaps Elizabeth should get a Real Job. Sadly, Elizabeth was so delusional she thought writing a romance novel might qualify as a Real Job. But! Five years later, to everyone’s surprise, she actually sold that romance novel – The raven prince – and began a rather successful career as a Romance Novelist. This was most fortunate since Elizabeth is singularly unqualified to do anything else but Make Up Stories. Since then Elizabeth has written over twenty books to critical acclaim

 including three contemporaries under the pen name Julia Harper. Elizabeth lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota with three dogs, a garden in constant need of weeding, and the ever faithful Mr. Hoyt.

Hi Elizabeth, Welcome to Chicks Rogues and Scandals, Thank you for taking the time to chat with me today.

Book ten the Maiden Lane Series, Duke of Sin is incredible; the way you turned Valentine around from the evil, notorious blackmailer to the more human and very likeable rake is amazing, my question is; how did you manage to turn around such a character?

Thank you! I tried to give a lot of background to Val’s story so that the reader can understand why he is the way he is. That, I think, goes a long way to helping make a character more sympathetic.

I have said in previous reviews on my blog that my favourite character in Maiden Lane is “Charmin” Mickey O’Connor, do you have a favourite character? and if so who?

Val—just because he was a lot of fun to write. 😉

I am so pleased that the Ghost of St.Giles is going to make an appearance in your next book; Duke of Pleasure, are we going to be seeing more of the Ghost in future work?

Well certainly in Duke of Pleasure! But after that book, I think I’ll be retiring the Ghost.

That is a shame! There is such a wide range of characters in your books from the mild-mannered Winter to the Villainous Valentine, which sort’s of character’s do you enjoy writing most?

I enjoy them all. 😉 Val was actually one of the easiest characters to write—the over-the-top characters often do flow more easily than the subtler ones. But I like writing a wide variety of characters. It keeps me fresh and interested as a writer and hopefully it keeps my readers equally interested.

The Lords of Chaos, are horrendous! Where did the idea for them come from?

Current events. There have been several cases lately in the news here and in the UK of pedophiles in positions of power who have banded together to prey on victims. I simply took the old idea of a Hellfire Club and made it several degrees more horrific.

Lazarus; Lord Caire is such an intriguing character and now that we know that Bridget is his half-sister are we going to see how their new relationship grows?

 I don’t know if I’ll be able to do that in the upcoming books, but I hope I can at least do a bonus epilogue on my website. Several readers have said they’d like one. 😉

One of the things that I love about the Maiden Lane series, is that the lead characters are from all different sides of society, from the highest aristocracy to the most humble servants.

My question is how do you decide who is going to make a starring role and who is going to be an interesting extra?

Usually I’ve decided that a character will be a hero or heroine before I introduce them in the series, but once in a while a character pops up who is so interesting I can’t resist giving them their own book. That’s the case with Alf—she’ll be the heroine of Duke of Pleasure out this November 29th.

Valentine is such a flamboyant and charismatic character, pairing him up with Bridget was a stroke of pure genius, where did the idea to put these two together come from?

 I try to find characters that will challenge each other. Val is very strong and very sure of himself so he needed an equally strong heroine. But Bridget also had to be morally upright to counter his moral ambiguity—she tests him and everything he thinks he stands for.

Finally, Thank you so much for taking the time out of your very busy schedule to chat with me. I have just one more little question. I see so much more to Bridget’s and Valentine’s story than were Duke of Sin finished, as you have done with the other couples in the series are we going to occasionally get a glimpse of how these two are doing?

Weeelll I have been thinking about doing a freebie Christmas special soon. 😉

Thank you so much Elizabeth, it’s been a pleasure having you chat with me.

If you want to connect with Elizabeth just follow the links below.


Facebook : @ElizabethHoytBooks

Twitter : @ElizabethHoyt




This Giveaway is Now Closed!

Chick’s Rogues and Scandals are in participation with Elizabeth’s team and we are giving away a copy of Duke of Pleasure to one, very lucky winner. To be in for a chance to win just leave a comment. That’s it! Simple 💜


Bold. Brave. Brutally handsome. Hugh Fitzroy, the Duke of Kyle, is the king’s secret weapon. Sent to defeat the notorious Lords of Chaos, he is ambushed in a London alley—and rescued by an unlikely ally: a masked stranger with the unmistakable curves of a woman.
Cocky. Clever. Courageously independent. Alf has survived on the perilous streets of St. Giles by disguising her sex. By day she is a boy, dealing in information and secrets. By night she’s the notorious Ghost of St. Giles, a masked vigilante. But as she saves Hugh from assassins, she finds herself succumbing to temptation.
When Hugh hires Alf to investigate the Lords of Chaos, her worlds collide. Once Hugh realizes that the boy and the Ghost are the same, will Alf find the courage to become the woman she needs to be—before the Lords of Chaos destroy them both?

Giveaway terms
The closing date is midnight 21st March, The winner will be chosen at random, Winners name will be posted in a special celebratory post shortly after the closing date. The giveaway is open internationally so everyone is welcome. Good luck!

14 thoughts on “Giveaway and Exclusive Interview with Best Selling Author Elizabeth Hoyt

  1. Great interview Frankie, I’ve just started reading Elizabeth’s books and I can highly recommend them. Great giveaway thank you for the chance. XX

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Fabulous interview, Frankie! Elizabeth is among my top favourite authors and the Maiden Lane series is among my top favourite historical romance series ever. I was also thrilled to meet Elizabeth in person at the Historical Romance Retreat in September last year. No need to enter me into the Giveaway because I have already read and loved this book.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great interview, Frankie. I have only just discovered Elizabeth Hoyt (after hearing so many singing the praises of the Maiden Lane series!) I got Notorious Pleasures from the library, and it’s top of my tbr pile!


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