Photo by Oleksandr P on

Here we are rapidly approaching the end of 2023, the New Year is knocking on the door waiting to be let in.

I remember when I was little my family used to open the front door at midnight to let the New Year in, I can’t for the life of me remember who used to say; “you have to let the New Year in to bring good luck”. Does anyone else do that? We don’t do it now, we haven’t in years mainly because I can’t stay awake until midnight anymore, most days I’m knackered and in bed by eight or nine (the curse of being a 4am early riser).

Hmm, went a little off-track there!

So, how has 2023 been for you?

Good, Bad, in-between or you’d rather forget all about 2023 and look towards a fresh new start? I’m in the latter category, again! I think I said the exact same thing this time last year, personal life hasn’t been brilliant, more family illness, tension and bitter rows, hospital appointments being cancelled then rescheduled and cancelled again and now back to waiting, dampness in the house, the dogs are still little devils, we’ve had things going on, more ups and downs then a yo-yo, though, but I’m seeing a glimmer of hope that 2024 could be more settled for us – Touch wood!

Blogging Recap.

My blogging/reviewing has been a bit hit and miss, my reviewing dropped dramatically, though my reading has really surged this year, I am now in the position where I am eating up books, yet I can’t seem to find the time or when I do have an hour then my mind wanders and I find I can’t actually write a review – yet funnily enough, it doesn’t happen when I write with actual pen and paper, in my book journal.

Does anyone else have the same problem?

This year I stopped putting pressure on myself to read what everyone else was reading and instead, I focused on the books I actually own, or the books that I really want to read for me, and not because others are saying I should read them. Believe me, it takes a huge weight off and is very liberating not listening to others, 🤣!

I stopped accepting every single review request that was offered to me, I actually said no this year, something I am very proud of and only said yes to a very, very small number of authors and only because I absolutely adore their work. Again it feels good!

I’ve (more or less) given up on Netgalley, I only go on there now to keep my account open and remarkably as I don’t request books and I have finally started sorting out the ‘My Shelf’ section I have reached that much sought after 80% mark (I got the badge, everyone wants🥳 ). I am aiming at clearing the shelf altogether, you never know this time in 2024, I could be on 100%!

I’ve gone with the flow in regards to reading this year, I’ve accepted that I am a mood reader, I choose by what I’m craving that particular day, which is predominately romance. I don’t plan my reading anymore, I don’t know about anyone else, but this year I have found that forcing myself to a read book because I have ‘scheduled them in’ or having to read for a certain time frame (such as blog tours) means I will usually give them up, put them aside for another time. Now I’ll read whatever my heart is pulling me towards which has resulted in me reading more, especially more of my older books from Tommy the Book Trolley.

Yes, I have named the Book Trolley, you may think I’ve named the book Trolley a certain Mr. Hardy, but I haven’t, it came from a family saying that only ever makes sense to us.

So I have read a lot, shame I can’t say the same about my reviewing, though I do think the reviews that I have actually shared this year are some of the best I’ve ever written. I don’t want to sound egotistical but I just feel as though this year I am enjoying the books and the reading process that much more and I think (hope) that, that joy and love is coming through in the reviews too.

This year, I tried something new by posting to Instagram first and then transferring over to the blog at the end of the month. It started off as a good idea and it did work as I wanted for the first couple of months, but then it became a chore, without realising at the time, that way of blogging made the process a whole lot harder so in 2024 I will be going back to basics; reviews to be posted to the blog, Goodreads and Insta on the same day.

Why mess around with what works, right?

I also opened the new Rambling Romantic blog, where I am slowly building my own virtual library, plus lots of other treats. I want to expand the Rambling Romantic this year, not sure in what way yet but I have lots of potential ideas being thrown about.

I also had the massive pleasure of welcoming some amazing authors to the blog when I launched my ‘Book/Author Promo’ I had so much fun working with these authors, chatting with them in exclusive interviews and sharing their insightful words in guest posts. I would love to carry on doing the same in the new year and hopefully welcome more authors to the blog.

Huge thank you to all of the authors for taking the time to chat with me!🥰

So despite stepping back and being more selective over what I read and post, my blog has been very busy – but this time in a good way!

Books of the Year 2023

I read some amazing books this year, though not half as many as usual but I loved each one. Many of which had been on my TBR for way too long and a selection of some wonderful new books which were kindly sent to me by generous authors. Unfortunately at the time of writing this, I have yet to write some of those reviews up, but they will be coming in the new year!

My ‘Books of the Year 2023’ will consist of a small list of my favourite books which I have reviewed on the blog this year, I have read more but as I said before, I haven’t written reviews for them, yet. You’ll find links to the review, if you fancy taking a look at them, I highly recommend each one!

Christmas Hope for the Steel Girls by Michelle Rawlins

Christmas with the Shipyard Girls by Nancy Revell

Brazen and the Beast by Sarah MacLean

His Runaway Marchioness by Marguerite Kaye

The Duke with the Dragon Tattoo by Kerrigan Byrne

Wicked and the Wallflower by Sarah MacLean

The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie by Jennifer Ashley

Game of Iniquity by Miray Kose

The Photographer of the Lost by Caroline Scott

The Night She Met the Duke by Sarah Mallory

Book of the Year 2023

My Book of the Year is one that really touched my heart, I have never related to a particular character in such a way as I did with this one. Everything this woman went through, her experiences, her thoughts, her anguish and her heartbreak spoke to me. Even now months after reading it I feel a huge swell of love and understanding for this book!

Billionaire’s Island Temptation by Rachael Stewart

their fling on the tropical island of Mustique develop into something more? Find out in the first of the Billionaires for the Rose Sisters duet by Rachael Stewart for Harlequin Romance.
A summer fling…

Or something more?

Jessie Rose is shocked by the instant chemistry she feels when she meets billionaire Joel in Mustique. She’s come looking for an escape, and brooding Joel is very clear he’s not looking for anything permanent. But letting their guards down while exploring the island together, they can’t deny their fling is dangerously close to being a temptation they may not be able to walk away from…

Read the review here

End-of-year thoughts on Blogging/Book Reviewing.

I have said it before, and I will say it again, that book blogging/reviewing is so rewarding especially if you have found a way to review that works for you. It has taken me a while, but I think I am finally happy with the way I review/blog. It will open your eyes to new things, new books, and new authors. You ‘meet’ some wonderful like-minded people and the bookish community is in a league of its own when it comes to kindness and support.

I’ve been in this little community now for eight years (I think) true not all of those years have been great, I’ve had my blips and there were times a few years ago when I seriously considered giving it up. I stepped back, tried new things, some worked some didn’t and I have come full circle and I have finally found the way which works for me. I have gone back to basics, like the way I started, simple, uncomplicated reviewing, no blog tours, very few ARCs from very select authors and cut down the social media and it works for me.

If you are new to the community, well first hello and welcome and secondly; have fun, that is what reviewing and blogging is about, and thirdly; don’t allow yourself to be pressured, this reviewing lark is supposed to be fun and it is as long as you do what is right for you!!

Personally speaking, reviewing is about sharing your thoughts on the books you love (or do not love, though don’t tag the author if you didn’t love their book, it’s not very nice) whether those books are new straight off the press, or have been collecting dust on your bookshelf, books don’t have a sell by date. it really shouldn’t matter how many people have read the review as long as you have had fun and enjoyed reading the book and sharing your thoughts!

And here, is where many people, may not agree with me, but I don’t care, I’m going to say it anyway 😜

Reviewing shouldn’t be about how many followers you have, it shouldn’t be about how far your blog or social media post has gone and its reach. It’s not about being on every social media site because you’re scared of missing out. It’s not about how many people comment or share the post, it’s not about being on every single blog tour, or receiving mountains of book post, and being on every single publisher’s blogger list and basically getting whatever you can just because it’s free. Technically they aren’t free, you accept them on the understanding that you will eventually review them. It’s about having fun, and sharing your love of books!

Rant over!

I know a lot of my reviews for ARC’s can be a lot later than the author would prefer but my authors do understand my personal circumstances and they are incredibly understanding and amazingly kind and generous with their support, I feel very humbled and honoured to know such wonderful women!

Thank you so much! 🥰

Did you stick to last year’s New Year resolutions?

That would be a huge no, for me!

Though I may not have stuck to my resolutions, my self imposed book buying ban went out of the window (I’ve figured out that when life gets a bit strained I buy books) and the ‘pick a new read from the book jar’ was a good idea, but it was never used. I don’t see any of that as a fail, I do hate that word ‘fail’, don’t you? You never fail, you have just veered from the path, and maybe you have put too many high expectations upon yourself, best to keep your goals for the year simple and then when you fly high you will feel a huge sense of achievement.

Which is what I will do for 2024!

I did join in with the £2 in a jar for every book read thing and was really surprised how motivating seeing the jar slowly filling up can be. I didn’t ‘read a fortune’ but it will be added to my driving fund, you never know in ten years I may have my campervan.

Another thing that has worked for me this year is that I have been using a Reading Journal, which I had given a few Christmases ago and I love it! It’s changed how I write reviews and allows you to really think about what you want to say. It’s so easy to keep track of books you own, which you can tick off as ‘Read’ as you go along, (which is very satisfying) you can add lists of favourite authors backlists, add your own lists or book challenges. It’s really therapeutic filling out the pages and I highly recommend any bookworm to treat themselves to one too.

So my New Year resolutions for 2024 are;

Be kinder to myself

I think we are all guilty of that, aren’t we? I think each one of us should remember to be that little bit kinder to ourselves, whether it’s not being too hard on ourselves for not getting everything ‘right’ or taking a moment to do something kind for ourselves.

Ban the book buying ban.

Yup, I tried doing a book buying last year and it didn’t work, in fact, I’m pretty sure I bought more books, LOL! So this year I am going to allow myself two new books a month if I feel the need. No pressure, no restricting myself.

Read what my heart wants.

I did this last year, and as I said above it worked for me, I was far more productive and I enjoyed the reading process more. So, I walk over to Tommy the Book Trolley (or pick up my Kindle) with a clear head and without thinking just allow my heart to take over my mind for a second and boom; I pull a book which weirdly is always what I need at that particular time.

£2 in a Jar thing

Again, I will be doing the put £2 in a jar for every book read thingy, I was surprised how motivational seeing the jar fill up can be, if you have a goal for where all those little pound coins are going to go, then it’s even more motivating.

If anyone else is taking part in the £2 in a jar challenge thingy (honestly, we need a better name for it) then do let me know, we can cheer each other on!

Plus a quick recap on my blog’s reviewing rules; more for myself than the intelligent people who will be reading this;

1. I will not be accepting new review requests, except for a handful of authors who I regularly review for. You know who you are, but you’re very welcome to send me a message to ask.

2. I will not be taking part in any blog tours again! I know, I said the same last year and I really did well and only participated in two, but this year I am going for none, My apologies!

3. I will be cutting down on my social media, I have an account at Blue Sky @ChicksandRogues though I doubt I will use it and I will probably leave Twitter for good eventually. I much prefer Instagram anyway so I hope to see you there at @chicksroguesandscandals.

4. My Author/ Book Promotion is always open, all romance authors are welcome to take part in an author Q&A or write a guest post then send me a message and we’ll chat.

One last note for all authors out there, if you have generously sent an arc to a reviewer and for whatever reason that reviewer hasn’t reviewed your book, please, please don’t harass them with weekly emails/DM’s asking why they haven’t reviewed your book, there is always an explanation and reviewers will be open with you. I had that this year, despite explaining my reasons, it isn’t nice but unfortunately, it happens, thankfully this was a singular issue as the few authors I review for are amazingly understanding. So, please be kind!

The End is Near

I have a sudden urge to sing; ‘I did it my way‘ for some reason!🤣

Thank you for reading right to the end, I know I tend to waffle on and this post has ended up being far longer than I originally planned. Finally, I want to say I massive thank you to everyone for your kindness and love this year, it means a lot.

So with nothing else to say but; Happy New Year, I’ll see you all then with love and hopes for a happy and healthy 2024!

Photo by Jill Wellington on

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