I am delighted to be sharing my review of; The King She Shouldn’t Crave by Lela May Wight.

Will the king finally surrender to their tantalizing chemistry? Find out in the latest royalty romance by Lela May Wight !

Their royal marriage:
Separate beds but shared temptation… 

Two months have passed since the world watched Natalia La Morte marry King Angelo Dizieno. But Natalia hasn’t seen or heard from him since their startlingly scorching kiss at the altar… 

Promoted from spare to heir after tragedy struck, Angelo can’t be distracted from his duty. Being within touching distance of the woman he has always craved—his brother’s intended queen—has him on the precipice of self-destruction. The last thing he needs is for Natalia to recognize their dangerous attraction. If she does, there’s nothing to stop it from becoming all-consuming…

From Harlequin Presents: Escape to exotic locations where passion knows no bounds.


Rating 💖💖💖💞

Intense and romantic, though I was left feeling torn!

This is the third novel from the very talented Lela May Wight, after reading and thoroughly enjoying the previous two, I was looking forward to this one. Unfortunately, as emotional and romantic as it eventually is, I don’t think it has the same high standard we have come to know and love from this author – though others will possibly disagree with me, and that’s fine!

I have to say I was a little confused with the goings on at first, there are a lot of hints of the past and opinions from the main characters but not a lot of actual communication….I need actual communication!!

Would it hurt you (I’m looking at you Angelo) to actually TALK?!

He is a real frustrating pain in the arse!

The story is told predominately through Natalia and Angelo’s inner narrative, I’m not against the inner workings of the character’s minds, and listening to their complex thoughts. I have always thought it’s how we fully understand characters’ personalities, but it would have been nice to even the inner narrative out a bit with an actual; talking-with-people-that-isn’t-themselves, narrative


Angelo and Natalia are pushed together by a convenient Royal wedding to unite both of their kingdoms. Though Natalia should have been marrying Angelo’s twin brother, a twist of fate has promoted Angelo from spare to King, you’d think that having a different man with the crown on his head would change matters. Nope; the marriage still goes ahead!

Well, it would wouldn’t it?

And seeing as Angelo has already met his soon-to-be-queen when he sneakily stepped into his brother’s shoes during negotiations, and when he instantly felt an unyielding attraction towards Natalia.

An attraction which he pushes down, hoping never to be seen again!

Not sure why, after all, it’s not as though he’s cheating or anything, you are human Angelo, you are allowed HUMAN feelings!

And this for me is where it got a bit heavy and complicated. I hate to be negative at all, but Angelo really got under my skin!

Angelo feels a huge, mount Everest scale of regret and guilt, there is soooo much angst and internal drama where this guy is concerned, and I can understand that. I can understand that he is confused by his feelings, by what he should be doing (or not doing) but why must he be such a tosser?

Just why?

I don’t understand his actions or his thoughts regarding to this match and Natalia, especially as there are genuinely beautiful moments between them when he is generous and very charming.

Honesty I found it very hard to like Angelo at times, it took a long time for him to pick through the ice and even when he finally succumbed and started acting like a human and allowed himself to love, I’m afraid I was still on the fence.

Again apologies!

Yes, he’s seductive and charismatic and he does have this super confident Mediterranean/ Italian vibe going on, oozing sex appeal with those sultry glances and I do think that, that brooding, enigmatic persona will have sooo many readers falling to their knees in love with him, but it didn’t do anything for me.

Which is very unusual, maybe my hero tastes are changing?

Yet Natalia really appealed to me, she just wants to do right by her people, and she doesn’t want to be adorned and put on a pedestal. She doesn’t want riches or the lavish lifestyle which comes from being a royal; no she seemed to me as pretty ordinary she wants what we all want; Happiness, Love, security good health, and the same for those we love and care for.

I applaud her for trying her best for those less fortunate than herself, I also got the feeling that she is deeply unhappy whether with her life or the situation with Angelo, there were moments with her that broke my heart, she is very likeable and you do become invested in her story and hope that she finds happiness!

Marriage of convenience at one time never used to be a favourite trope of mine, though I will admit to reading more and more lately and now I’m really getting into these stories

Despite my own reservations in regards to parts, which I won’t go into again; I did enjoy it, I won’t lie and say love it as it’s not my way, but it was enjoyable. I can’t deny that the story is incredibly emotional, it’s full of pain, loss, guilt, heartache and tragedy where the past affects the present and future.

There is a lot of angst and human drama all of which will keep you turning the pages desperate to know whether Natalia and Angelo find their happy ever after.

For those who love their Presents line with the angsty Royal Wedding/Marriage of Convenience trope then definitely give it a read!

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